We all dream of what we want to do but not many of us convert that dream into an actual business.  Creator speaks to the idea of converting your dream into a physical reality.  Dreamer 2 Creator Business Magazine is our way of supporting you and other entrepreneurs to become creators. For this reason, this business magazine is free to read online, and by contributing a how-to article, you also get free promotion for your small business. Dreamer 2 Creator Business Magazine wants to support entrepreneurs by offering evergreen content in various areas of business and industries. No matter where in the world you are, as an entrepreneur, you will learn a lot from this business magazine, so check it out!

If you are a Canadian entrepreneur with a small business and would like to contribute, email us at articles@dreamer2creatormag.ca.

The Story of US

I was 12; my mom bought my textbooks in the summer for me to start reading before classes began in September.  After reading literature books, I went on to fiction for entertainment. I became a dreamer, seeing myself in every story I read, even history.  At 14, I read a story of a consultant who owned a company, working remotely with people all over the world.  Like that entrepreneur, I saw myself having virtual meetings with people around the globe.  Virtual work or freelance entrepreneurship was not yet a thing. After many years of studying, I went on to become a creator and be the one to be having virtual business meetings.  

I studied business in high school, studied computers and business for my undergrad in Jamaica then went on to do my MBA at Schulich School of Business in Toronto. I am currently working on my Doctorate in Business Administration. I mention my education because getting a doctorate was one of my dreams since the age of 15. I continued my entrepreneurial journey on completing my MBA, dream number two.  I have not fallen out of love with entrepreneurship since the age of 14. A few years ago, I was going through my “To-Dos” as I like to call them, not bucket lists, and what did I find? I wanted to write a book and to publish a magazine which I have now done. Seeing the pattern? Most of my dreams have been created. 

Yes, I love being a creator.

I love working with others to help them become creators, as well. Working with entrepreneurs allows me to create and live my dreams, how cool is that? Entrepreneurs who contribute to the magazine are also interested in being a creator. I reach out to entrepreneurs, or they reach out to me, they are from across Canada and are dreamers and creators.  I am amazed at how selfless they are.  I ask entrepreneurs to write an article that allows them to teach or mentor someone else. Promoting their small business is secondary, and so yes, this magazine is not about me, it is the story of US.